Story Writing

It’s free, it’s fun; the winners content get published on the Little Avengers Blog and you will notify about new contest’s via email.

Here’s how to enter (please read our guidelines before sending your story):

1. Submit your details and stories in the below form for enrollment

2. Your story must be 1000 words—no more, no less—titles are not included in the word count. Stories not meeting this rule will be disqualified. Send only stories; poetry with line breaks will not be considered.

3. One submission per person. Since this is a free contest, there are no age restrictions.

4. We do accept word documents but images embedded in the document, will not be considered.

5. Create a great title for publication.

6. We block copycats, be original

Rights: By entering this contest the author giving publishing rights to the Little Avengers. All commercial rights revert to the author upon publication.

Note: Be careful of word count. Hyphenated words count as one word.

Suggestion: Think of the prompt metaphorically, rather than literally. Be original. Surprise us! Oh, and have fun!

Our judges are the editors of Little Avengers. The winning story will be published, along with the author’s photo and a short bio (we will request your photo and a short bio if your story is our winner, so be prepared).


Enroll your slot (50 Seats Available)
24 days 11 hours 08 minutes 39 seconds

  • Story Writing
Personal Details
Attach your Story (Word Document or PDF)

Max. size: 5.0 MB